What is Yoga? A Retreat to Explore and Find Your Yoga
Danny White
Bhakti Yoga
Bhakti Yoga is a spiritual path within the realm of Indian philosophy and is often referred to as the "yoga of devotion." Rooted in ancient scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita and the Bhagavata Purana, Bhakti Yoga emphasizes cultivating a deep and unwavering love, devotion, and surrender to a higher power or divine entity. This practice transcends religious boundaries and is open to individuals of all backgrounds.
Central to Bhakti Yoga is the idea that through heartfelt devotion and selfless love, one can attain spiritual liberation or union with the divine. Practitioners of Bhakti Yoga seek to develop a profound emotional connection with their chosen deity or concept of the divine, be it through prayer, singing hymns, engaging in rituals, or simply maintaining a constant awareness of the divine presence in all aspects of life.
The path of Bhakti Yoga encourages humility, compassion, and the shedding of ego, as devotees recognize their own limitations and surrender to the greater wisdom of the divine. It is believed that by immersing oneself in devotion, the barriers between the individual soul and the divine are gradually dissolved, leading to a state of inner peace, contentment, and unity.
Bhakti Yoga can be practiced individually or in a community setting, where like-minded devotees gather to share in their love and devotion. Throughout history, numerous saints and poets, such as Meera, Kabir, and Tulsidas, have embraced Bhakti Yoga and expressed their devotion through eloquent verses and songs.
In essence, Bhakti Yoga is a path that celebrates the power of love and devotion as a means to connect with the divine and discover the inherent divinity within oneself and all of creation.